How to Remove Malware for WordPress Site
Malware for WordPress Site


If you own a WordPress website, ensuring its security should be a top priority. Malware, a term derived from “malicious software,” poses a significant threat to the integrity and functionality of your site. From slowing down performance to compromising sensitive data, malware can wreak havoc if left unchecked. In this article, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of removing malware from your WordPress site, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to safeguard your online presence.

Replace the wp-admin and wp-includes folders.

– Download the latest version of WordPress from the official website ( Make sure you download the version that matches your current WordPress installation (e.g., WordPress 6.2 if that’s the version you’re running).

– Unzip the downloaded file and place it in a folder on your local computer.

– Connect to your website via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client or the file manager provided by your hosting provider. Popular FTP clients include FileZilla, WinSCP, and Cyberduck.

– Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. This is usually the main folder where you can see files like `wp-config.php`, `wp-content`, `wp-includes`, and others.

– Locate the existing `wp-admin` and `wp-includes` folders in the root directory.

– Delete or rename these folders to something like `wp-admin-old` and `wp-includes-old` as a precaution.

– From the unzipped WordPress folder on your local computer, upload the new `wp-admin` and `wp-includes` folders to the root directory of your WordPress installation, replacing the old ones.

Clean the wp-content/uploads folder.

– In the root directory, navigate to the `wp-content/uploads` folder. This is where WordPress stores uploaded media files like images, documents, and other user-uploaded content.

– Carefully inspect the contents of this folder. You may see subfolders with randomly generated names containing PHP files, which could be malicious scripts planted by the malware.

– Delete all folders and PHP files present in the `wp-content/uploads` directory, leaving only the necessary files like images, PDFs, or other legitimate media files that you have uploaded.

– If you’re unsure about a particular file or folder, it’s safer to delete it. You can always re-upload your legitimate media files later.

Remove unnecessary files from the root directory.

– Navigate back to the root directory of your WordPress installation.

– Carefully inspect all files and folders present in this directory.

– Look for any files or folders that do not belong to a default WordPress installation or are not part of your website’s legitimate files.

– Common examples of suspicious files include randomly named PHP files, JavaScript files, or files with unusual extensions like `.php7`, `.php5`, `.phP`, etc.

– Delete any files or folders that seem out of place or suspicious. Again, if you’re unsure about a particular file or folder, it’s better to remove it as a precaution.

Install and scan with the Malcare plugin.

– Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard (replace `` with your actual domain).

– Go to Plugins > Add New.

– Search for the “Malcare” plugin and install it.

– Activate the plugin after installation.

– Navigate to the Malcare plugin settings by going to Tools > Malcare.

– Initiate a full website scan by clicking on the “Scan Now” button.

– The scan process may take some time, depending on the size of your website. Be patient and let the scan complete.

Review and remove detected malware.

– After the scan is complete, the Malcare plugin will display a list of detected malware, suspicious files, and potential security vulnerabilities.

– Review the list carefully and select the malware files/entries to remove.

– You can click on each entry to see more details about the detected malware, including its location and potential impact.

– Once you have selected the malware entries to remove, click on the “Remove Selected” button to remove the detected malware from your website.

– Depending on the severity of the malware, the plugin may recommend additional actions, such as resetting user passwords, updating WordPress core files, or turning off specific plugins or themes.

Contact for further assistance

– If you encounter any difficulties or need further assistance in removing the malware, please visit the “Contact Us” page on our website.

– Provide detailed information about the issue you’re facing, including any error messages or screenshots.

– Describe the steps you have taken so far to remove the malware and any challenges you encountered.

– Our support team will review your request and assist you in resolving the malware problem and securing your WordPress website.

– They may ask for additional information, such as FTP or admin access to your website, to investigate and resolve the issue effectively.

Remember removing malware is a crucial step, but it’s equally important to address the root cause of the infection. Implement strong security measures, such as using secure passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly backing up your website. Keep your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins updated to the latest versions to minimize the risk of future malware infections.

Additionally, consider implementing security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri, or NinjaFirewall to monitor your website for potential security threats and malicious activities. Regular security audits and proactive maintenance can help prevent malware infections and ensure the long-term health and security of your WordPress website.


In conclusion, safeguarding your WordPress site against malware is essential for preserving its integrity, performance, and reputation. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively remove malware from your WordPress site and implement proactive security measures to prevent future attacks. Remember to stay vigilant, keep your software up to date, and prioritize the security of your online presence.


  1. How can I tell if my WordPress site has been infected with malware?
  2. Can malware removal plugins effectively clean infected WordPress sites?
  3. Are there any free tools available for scanning and removing malware from WordPress sites?
  4. Is it possible to recover data lost due to a malware infection?

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