How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for WordPress Website
Web Hosting for WordPress Website


Choosing the proper web hosting provider is one of those decisions when you create a WordPress website that will determine its success. Your hosting decision may have a significant impact on your site’s performance, security, and scalability. Within this in-depth guide, we will take you through the essential criteria that should be taken into account when choosing WordPress hosting.

Section 1: Types of Web Hosting 

There are several main types of hosting to choose from for WordPress:

Shared Hosting: In shared hosting, your website uses resources from the same server as others in their accounts. It is the cheapest and most widespread form of hosting, suitable for sites with little traffic. On the other hand, resource sharing influences performance. Among the most popular shared hosts are Bluehost, HostGator, and DreamHost. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

Shared Hosting


  • Very affordable, often less than $10/month
  • If you’re new to website creation, don’t worry – it’s easy, and you don’t need technical skills. Many hosting providers offer plans specifically designed for WordPress.
  • It’s simple to get started.
  • No need for advanced technical skills.
  • Numerous hosting providers offer plans tailored for WordPress.


  • Limited options for handling traffic spikes and scaling.
  • Control over server configuration is restricted.
  • Limited control over the server environment’s configuration

Each account on a VPS hosting has an allocated portion of hardware resources from a physical server, ensuring superior control, scalability, and performance compared to shared hosting. Nevertheless, VPS demands considerable technical expertise. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]


  • Assured resources for better performance.
  • More control over server configuration.
  • Scalability options as your site grows.
  • Cost-effective for moderate-traffic sites.


  • More expensive than shared hosting.
  • Requires technical expertise in server management and optimization.

Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting, you get a whole physical machine that is leased exclusively by one person.


  • In summary, shared hosting is beginner-friendly but may have limitations, VPS hosting offers more control and scalability but demands technical knowledge, while dedicated hosting provides the highest level of control and performance, but at a higher cost and complexity. Choose the option that best fits your website’s needs and your comfort level with technical aspects.


  • Very expensive – from $100+/month
  • Requires strong technical server management skills
  • Overkill for small to medium-sized sites

Managed WordPress Hosting: These plans offer pre-installed, optimized WordPress hosting on virtual private servers. They make it simple to scale the performance of WordPress without too much technical depth. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]


  • Optimized specifically for WordPress
  • Pre-configured for optimal speed and security
  • Scales easily handle more traffic
  • Many provide features like CDN, caching, backups


  • More expensive than shared hosting
  • Less control than self-managing VPS or dedicated server

Examples: WPEngine, Pagely, Kinsta

Cloud Hosting: In cloud hosting, websites are hosted on virtual servers developed by large-scale providers of Cloud computing services such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Resources can scale dynamically.


  • Very scalable, handles spikes in traffic
  • Pay-as-you-go model, only pay for resources used
  • High uptime and redundancy


  • Requires expertise with cloud platforms and DevOps
  • Complex setup and management
  • Can get very expensive if traffic grows substantially

Section 2: Key Factors to Consider

When choosing WordPress hosting, here are the key factors to weigh:

Server Resources Good hosting provides adequate CPU power, memory (RAM), and storage for your WordPress site. Insufficient resources will lead to slow load times and poor performance. Make sure to select a plan that aligns with your site’s current and future traffic needs. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

Key Factors to Consider

Uptime and Reliability

A good host is one with low downtime and high uptime which should be 99%+. This ensures that the site is available to visitors. Search for hosts with strong infrastructure and good uptime monitoring. The use of more than one data center and redundancy features reduce the risk of downtime.

Speed and Quality. Site loading speeds make customers happy hence improving SEO Choose a good-performing host with low latency and speedy page load times. Installation of optimized WordPress configurations, SSD storage, and caching features boosts speed.

Customer Service Knowledgeable 24/7 customer support is a valuable asset if something goes wrong. Search for hosts with various contact channels such as phone, live chat, or tickets. A knowledgebase library also makes self-service troubleshooting effective.

Your host should also have robust security measures such as firewalls, patching, malware monitoring DDoS protection, and SSL certificates. Backups are also very important if your site is hacked. Security is typically ‘baked in’ with managed WordPress hosts.


As your traffic grows over time, your website needs to easily scale with it. Shared hosting offers limited ability to scale. Choose a provider that allows smooth upgrades to VPS or dedicated plans. Cloud hosting offers excellent scalability.

WordPress Expertise

Managed WordPress hosts specialize in optimized WordPress hosting. They may provide useful WordPress-specific features like staging sites, automatic updates, WP-CLI access, integrated caching CDN, etc. This makes management much easier. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

Migrations and Transfers If moving an existing site, make sure the host can migrate your site smoothly with minimal downtime. They should assist with DNS changes, data transfer, re-pointing domains, etc. Some even offer free migrations.


Hosting costs range widely from less than $10/month for shared hosting to over $100/month for dedicated servers. Balance your budget with the performance and scale you need. Start with shared hosting and upgrade as your site grows.

Terms of Service Review hosts’ Terms of Service to understand policies, restrictions, uptime guarantees, etc. Ensure they allow the software, plugins, integrations, and traffic volume you need.

Technical Expertise

As you move up from shared to VPS and dedicated hosting, more technical expertise is required for server management. If lacking skills, choose managed WordPress hosting for an optimized hands-off experience. If you have the expertise, DIY options provide greater customization and control.

Server Location

For the fastest performance, choose a host whose servers are geographically close to your target audience. Having multiple global data center locations is ideal for maximizing worldwide speed. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

Section 3: Top WordPress Hosting Providers Compared

Let’s compare some of the most popular managed WordPress hosting providers:

Top WordPress Hosting Providers Compared


  • Managed WP hosting specialized for speed, security, and scale.
  • Proprietary EverCache caching and CDN for fast performance.
  • Daily automatic backups, threat detection, and firewalls provide robust security.
  • Free SSL, site migrations, 24/7 support.
  • Easy drag-and-drop staging sites.
  • Starting at $35/month. Good value for performance and features.


  • Fast Google Cloud-powered WordPress hosting.
  • Integrated CDN, HTTP/2, PHP 7, and Nginx for speed.
  • Daily backups, firewalls, and monitoring protect against threats.
  • Seamless scaling, cloning, and migrations.
  • Intuitive MyKinsta dashboard.
  • Starting at $30/month. Excellent scalability.


  • Reliable managed WordPress hosting on Google Cloud.
  • Pro caching and CDN for speed. DDoS protection.
  • Daily backups and one-click restores.
  • Git integration, CLI access, and staging sites.
  • 24/7 live chat support.
  • Starting at $40/month. Reliable with good support.


  • Simple managed WP hosting built for designers.
  • SSD storage, free CDN, auto HTTPS, daily backups.
  • Great AJAX-based website cloning and staging.
  • $15/month starting price but limited scaling options.
  • It’s not ideal for large sites, but very user-friendly.


  • Popular managed WP hosting, officially recommended by WordPress.
  • Supercacher plugin and CDN for accelerated load times.
  • CloudFlare filtering protects against attacks. Auto server scaling.
  • WP-CLI access, transfers included, great support.
  • Limited resources on lower plans affect performance.
  • Starting at $14/month, scales up to GoGeek at $49/month.


  • One of the largest and most affordable shared hosts.
  • Decent WP-optimized shared hosting starting at $13/month.
  • Free domain, SSL, CDN. However, resource limits can impact performance.
  • VPS and dedicated plans are available for upgrading.
  • Reliable uptime and 24/7 chat support.
  • Not as robust as true managed WP hosting.


    • Reliable VPS hosting starting at $27/month.
    • Managed WP option includes SiteLock security, CDN, and backups.
    • Solid uptime record and good support responsiveness.
    • Free data migration assistance.
    • Lacks some features of specialized WP hosting like staging.
    • Good value picks if you can self-manage a VPS.

Section 4: Evaluating Your Specific WordPress Hosting Needs

When selecting a hosting provider for your WordPress site, take time to carefully evaluate your specific needs and priorities to choose the best option. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

What is your budget?

Hosting prices can vary from less than $10 to over $100 per month. Outline your budget and target an affordable plan that still provides adequate resources and room to grow. You can start small with shared hosting and upgrade later.

What level of traffic do you expect?

Consider your current and estimated future visitor numbers per month. This helps determine if you need shared, VPS, or dedicated hosting. Get more resources than you need now for growth. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

How much technical expertise do you have?

If you’re less technical, choose managed WordPress hosting for easy setup. If you have server admin skills, VPS and dedicated hosting allow for greater control and customization.

Do you need advanced site performance?

Factors like page load times, ability to handle traffic spikes, and uptime are critical for many sites. Managed hosting, CDNs, caching, and daily backups provide optimal performance.

What integrations do you need?

Determine if you’ll need access to plugins like e-commerce, analytics, contact forms, social media, etc. Make sure your host supports necessary integrations.

Will you run multisite?

WordPress multisite allows you to run multiple sites from one installation. But it requires more resources, so check if your host supports multisite. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

Do you need frequent updates or backups?

For sites with frequent new content, choosing a host with automated updates and backups saves a lot of time and effort. Managed WP hosting excels here.

Will you create staging/development sites?

Some managed WordPress hosts make staging and testing new features or designs easy via built-in cloning tools.

What level of security do you need?

Evaluate your security requirements, especially for e-commerce sites. Managed WordPress hosting includes robust security protections out of the box.

Do you plan to scale your site over time?

Make sure your host can smoothly handle significant traffic increases. Avoid hosts with very limited shared resources that force frequent upgrades. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]

How large is your media library?

If storing a lot of images, videos, etc, choose a host with generous media storage limits. This prevents extra charges for overages down the line.

What type of support do you prefer?

Compare support channels (live chat, phone, tickets), availability, and responsiveness. Managed WP hosting typically offers the most responsive support.

How soon could you move if needed?

Consider contract length and early termination fees if you may need to switch hosts quickly in the future. Month-to-month plans offer the most flexibility.

Do you have any unique compliance or legal needs?

Some industries have special hosting requirements like HIPAA-compliant hosts for healthcare sites.

Answering questions like these will help you zero in on an optimal WordPress hosting provider aligned with your goals, needs, and budget. Don’t be afraid to take your time making this key decision. [Web Hosting for WordPress Website]